Residential Painting Service
Attention to detail combined with 40 years of experience makes us the best Residential Painters for your Home!
From creating a cohesive aesthetic, protecting your home from weather damage, or increasing its value — there are plenty of reasons you might want to invest in residential painting services.
Getting a new paint job for your home is a great way to give it a fresh and updated look. Whether you are looking to spruce up an outdated interior, or protect the exterior of your home from the elements, hiring a professional painting company for residential services can be the perfect solution.
RC Painting & Sons offers quality workmanship that stands out from its competitors, so you can be sure your home will look beautiful for years to come. With our experienced team of painters, we guarantee that all of the paint and materials used are of the highest quality to ensure a long-lasting result. Plus, our team is available to answer any questions throughout the process, ensuring you are satisfied with the end result.
Residential Interior Painting
High-end interior painting services in Seattle, WA, Bellevue, WA and surrounding areas.
Interior painting services are a great way to update the look of your home without spending a lot of money. Whether you want to give your living room a fresh new color or spruce up the walls in your kitchen with neutral tones, our experienced painters at RC Painting & Sons can help you create the perfect look for any space.
Our interior residential painting services include wall preparation and repair, spot priming, color matching, and more. We use top-of-the-line paints to ensure that your walls look their best for years to come. With our experienced team of professionals available to guide you through the process every step of the way, we guarantee a result that you will love!
Residential Exterior Painting
Delivering Quality Exterior Painting for Houses in Seattle, WA and Bellevue, WA.
The exterior of your home is just as important as the interior. Our team of trained painters at RC Painting & Sons can help protect and beautify the outside of your home with our exterior residential painting services. We use the highest quality paints, sealers, and primers to ensure that your home looks its best and lasts for years to come.
Our exterior residential painting services include pressure washing, scraping, sanding, caulking, wood repairs, deck staining, spot priming, color matching, and more. With our experienced team available to answer any questions throughout the process — we guarantee a stress-free experience and a result that you will love! Our professionals will make sure that your home looks impressive and stands out from the rest.
Frequently Asked Questions
We try to answer your questions below. If you have questions that aren’t answered yet, please feel free to contact us.
Do you work with multi-family properties?
Yes. Absolutely. We work with apartments and condominiums across Washington State.
What areas do you serve?
We work with residential and commercial clients in these areas:
- Bellevue, WA
- Medina, WA
- Clyde Hill, WA
- Kirkland, WA
- Redmond, WA
- Bothell, WA
- Woodinville, WA
- Seattle, WA
- and surrounding areas…
Are you lead abatement certified?
Yes, we are a certified lead abatement company. Click here to see our certificate.
What Our Clients Say
PJ Mooney
Seattle, WA
Jose Sanchez
Bellevue, WA
Good company good experience. Excellent quality in jobs